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This paper explains in detail the "changing frequency" of patch inductance

Date:2021-08-26 Viewed:3430

The active substances and their electrolytes on the chip inductor level and electrolyte electrolytic capacitor level will also affect their replacement efficiency. The capacitance product is large, and the change efficiency is relatively low. It is common for electrolytic capacitors for one-point coupling and beam coupling to improve the conversion efficiency of medium and high frequency by means of multiple series or series non-rotating photoelectric containers with small volume.
The stronger the conductive experience of the conductive electrolyte, the higher the conversion efficiency. The higher the conversion efficiency of excellent containers. It can be seen from the loss value of its tangent value that the greater the loss, the less it can keep up with the high-speed change of the data signal. Because of its specificity, the greater its energy loss, the less it can keep up with the high-speed changes of data signals. Because of its specificity, its energy loss+active heat, its energy loss+active time will continue to heat up.
In order to reduce the loss and cost, metal materials are usually put on the medium as the electrical level, and the metal composite material and thickness will affect the conductivity. Because the capacitor "transmits" the data signal through the battery charging office, the smaller the conductor resistance, the smoother the current, the better the transient response, the smaller the phase shift of the conductor resistance, and the smaller the distortion of the transmitted signal.
In recent years, more and more people think that stepless capacitor adapter is suitable as filter patch inductance of switching power supply in front of gallbladder. The sense of propagating electricity is appropriate, and the capacitance in the wound form is smaller than that considered appropriate. Therefore, I think the winding capacitor has high replacement efficiency and good high-frequency response, but the winding capacitor production process is very simple, so the capacitor sold in the market mostly adopts the inverted line method. Capacitors with good quality are considered suitable, so multiple capacitors with small capacity should be connected in series to reduce the scattered inductance.

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