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Six Problems Needing Attention in Selecting/Selecting Patch Inductors

Date:2021-08-11 Viewed:1953

What aspects should be considered when selecting/selecting SMD inductors? When choosing a chip inductor, its performance parameters (inductor, rated current, quality factor, etc.) should be considered. ) and appearance size meets the requirements. In actual selection, we should pay attention to the following six interpretations.
Pay attention to six major problems in the selection/selection of patch inductors
(1) The chip inductance must be the same as the circuit requirements, especially the coil inductance value of the tuning circuit must be correct. If the inductance is too large or too small, the number of coil turns can be reduced or increased to meet the requirements. For coils with adjustable magnetic cores, when measuring and debugging, the magnetic cores should be adjusted to the middle position. When the inductance of the patch is very different, it can be solved by series and parallel connection;
(2) The higher the Q value, the better. When the inductance of the two inductors is the same, you can choose the person with small size or the person with the same value and large wire diameter according to the definition of Q value (XL/R);
(3) Pressurization and passing current shall not exceed its rated value;
(4) For the chip inductors with electrical strength requirements, the packaging materials with high voltage resistance should be elected. Generally, the chip inductors with good voltage resistance have good moisture resistance, and the resin impregnation, packaging and die casting technology can meet this requirement;
(5) Tensile force, torque, welding resistance and weldability are mainly considered for leads and pins of SMD inductors. When the components leave the factory for more than 6 months, the weldability test should be carried out again to ensure the reliability of welding;
(6) For the SMD inductor, reference should be made to the designed pad size when selecting. If the inductor with pin is elected, if there is no clear regulation and enough installation position, the vertical and horizontal inductors with the same parameters can be exchanged;
The above content mainly introduces the six problems that should be paid attention to when selecting/selecting the chip inductor. If you need the chip inductor related products, please leave a message or call: 0755-28100016; Massive chip inductor inventory, complete specifications. Welcome to inquire about the price or take samples for testing.

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