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Analysis on inductance characteristics and flexible frequency characteristics of co-film patch

Date:2021-08-26 Viewed:3291

In essence, the common-film patch inductor is a bidirectional filtering device: on the one hand, it should filter the data signal of the common-mode choke coil on the power plug; on the other hand, it should suppress the electromagnetic interference instead of transmitting it from the outside, so as to avoid damaging the normal operation of other electronic equipment under the same current magnetic effect geographical environment. Everyone has a wide range of internal circuit plane design drawings of common-mode choke coils. In the actual circuit principle, multi-stage common-mode choke coils can also be used to filter electromagnetic interference as soon as possible. In addition, a common film patch inductor can be seen on the notebook motherboard, and its structure and efficacy are mostly the same as those of the vertical common mode choke. So what are the inductance characteristics and flexible frequency characteristics of the co-film patch? The following contents are compiled by Shunhai Science and Technology, and relevant contents are for reference.
Inductance characteristics of co-film patch
(1) The common-mode choke coil has high initial permeability, great characteristic impedance and insertion loss under the geomagnetic field, and has a good practical effect of suppressing hazards, and shows no common vibration insertion loss in a wide frequency range;
(2) The initial permeability is high: it is 5-20 times that of ferrite, so the insertion loss is larger, and the actual effect of suppressing transmission hazards far exceeds that of ferrite;
(3) Saturated magnetic induction intensity: 2~3 times higher than ferrite. It is difficult to magnetize and saturate in hazardous places with strong total electricity flow;
(4) Excellent temperature reliability: under the condition of high Curie temperature and large temperature variation, the characteristic elastic coefficient of aluminum profile is obviously lower than that of ferrite, which has high quality reliability and the characteristic change is close to linear type;
Flexible frequency characteristics of co-film patch inductance: moreover, it is more flexible according to the characteristics of adjusting the manufacturing technology frequency. According to different production and processing technologies, different characteristic impedances can be obtained by explosion of suitable magnet coils. Considering the filter requirements of different stock belts, the characteristic impedance value is much higher than that of ferrite.


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