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What are the common reasons for "burning out" of "inductance coil"

Date:2021-08-27 Viewed:12834

There are many reasons for the burn-out of the inductor coil. The following are the common reasons, which are also compiled by Shunhai Science and Technology Xiaobian. Please refer to the specific related contents.
The common reasons for the burn-out of the inductor coil are explained as follows
Cause 1 of burn-out of inductor coil: temperature rise of inductor coil; Generally speaking, the design requirement of inductor is lower than 60K, the heat resistance of polyester enameled wire should reach 155℃, the number of turns of inductor should be reduced, and the temperature of inductor should be increased to 75 K ~ 90 K. The enameled wire of inductance coil is in a high temperature state for a long time. Once it is overloaded for a long time, it may lead to poor contact of conductive parts and increase of contact resistance, which will greatly reduce the insulation strength of inductance coil.
Reason 2: Reaction coordination between the attraction of the inductor: when the voltage is low, the inductor will become difficult, the action time of the inductor will be long, the time for the inductor to bear the strong starting current will be longer, and the inductor will heat up. At the same time, the attraction is obviously insufficient, and it is difficult to attract. When the inductance coil works at high temperature, the resistance increases and the current increases.
The third reason for the burn-out of the inductor coil is that the working voltage range of the product design is not wide enough: once the voltage reaches 80%~85%, the thermal state may not be absorbed. When the voltage is higher than 120%, the inductance coil is easy to overheat.
Four reasons for the burn-out of the inductor coil: the control is not strict or out of control in the production process: during production, the inner layer of the inductor coil winding is not fully coated and dried, the winding lead joint is poorly welded, the insulation is incomplete, the turn-to-turn and interlayer short circuits and the insulation is lost.
Cause 5 of burn-out of the inductor coil: Insufficient winding technology of the inductor coil: When the winding machine is produced, the lifting force of the winding cannot be too loose or too tight. Otherwise, the enameled wire will become longer, and the local insulation voltage will drop.
Cause 6: Before the induction coil is put into operation, the humidity is 80% due to wet weather, which easily causes moisture to invade the interior of the induction coil, resulting in damp insulation.
Reason 7: When the inductor is in storage and transportation, if there is an error, impurities such as moisture and grease will be mixed in, which will greatly reduce the insulation strength.
Cause 8: During use, the insulation or mechanical damage of the inductor leads to turn-to-turn short circuit or contact with the ground, so the inductor generates a large amount of short-circuit current and the temperature rises sharply. And the quantity is transferred to the adjacent coil, which may eventually burn the whole coil.
Cause 9: Human causes; When users are unfamiliar with the use of non-inductive coils, voltage regulation is often incorrect; Poor installation process and careless inspection of the inductance coil lead to the mixing of the inductance coil with other impurities, resulting in inadequate operation and maintenance. Due to the lack of strict application technology, many induction coils did not carry out routine maintenance and dirt treatment from setting to burning, and the heat dissipation conditions of induction coils deteriorated and burned.
Cause of inductance coil burning ten: lightning strike; The general and other electronic components of the inductor coil were installed in the equipment before, and the organic circuit was struck by lightning. The winding of the inductor coil produced impulse voltage several times higher than the rated voltage, and the damage of the inductor coil by lightning was inevitable.


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