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Interpretation of the working principle and characteristics of integrated inductor

Date:2021-08-11 Viewed:2807

The following contents mainly introduce the working principle and characteristics of integrated inductor.
After analyzing the working principle and characteristics of common-mode integrated inductor and differential-mode integrated inductor, a single-phase common-differential-mode magnetic integrated inductor was built by using high-conductivity Mn-Zn ferrite material. Consequence evaluation, when the air gap length lg is 6.7 mm and the number of turns is 10, the single-phase common differential mode magnetic integrated inductor built with EI44/30/20 high conductivity Mn-Zn ferrite core has a common mode integrated inductance of 690μH, a differential mode integrated inductance of 28μH and a saturation current of 40 years.

The current flowing through the output filter integrated inductor of switching power supply is relatively large, and the saturation sign can be easily found in the magnetic core. In order to find out this question, it is often used to add air gap in the integrated inductor core, but adding air gap will affect the function of all devices. Accepting the 3D finite element technique to analyze the influence of differential air gap technique on the integral inductance of rational devices, the integral inductance corresponding to differential air gap and turns and the magnetic sensing intensity diffusion in the magnetic core are obtained, and the measured value of the integral inductance of the sample is compared with the calculated value, which verifies the simulation results, and provides a new technique for the engineering planning and pre-calibration of rational devices before experiments.
The integrated inductor with high functional power requires NiZn ferrite cores to have noble heat-resistant ability and high DC superposition function. Two NiZn ferrite materials NZ-A and NZ-B with different grain sizes were prepared by oxide method, and integrated inductor cores with 6 mm and 2 mm sizes were built, which were compared with ordinary heat-resistant NiZn ferrite materials and high Bs NiZn ferrite materials. The experimental results confirmed the difference of invalid modes of thermal shock of materials used in different size cores. In order to meet the needs of heat-resistant function of different size cores.
After analyzing the measurement principle of TH2828S broadband LCR digital bridge, connecting the related surface of nonlinear magnetic core integrated inductor, adopting the attempt to compare the differential magnetic core integrated inductor, analyzing the measurement data, and exploring the equivalent method of measuring different between two kinds of measuring instruments, and measuring the non-DC magnetized magnetic core integrated inductor and selecting the measuring instrument according to the reactance; Measure the inductance coil with DC magnetized core, accept the skill of monitoring magnetizing current with external ammeter, handle the measurement deviation of alternative instrument, explore the measurement skill and parameter configuration of alternative instrument for differential core integrated inductance coil, and handle the measurement instrument with large integrated inductance core integrated inductance coil.
Iron-silicon-aluminum core has high saturation magnetic strength, excellent high-frequency magnetic function, low consumption and low cost, so it is widely used. Iron-silicon-aluminum core is elected as Boost boost integrated inductor core, and iterative technique is adopted to optimize the selection of iron-silicon-aluminum core, which synthesizes the planning process of iron-silicon-aluminum core. Experience examples prove that iron-silicon-aluminum core is not easy to saturate and low in consumption under heavy current.
The HFSS simulation application of integrated inductor is planned for a new micro integrated inductor of magnetic core solenoid based on integrated inductive coupling, and its layout parameters are optimized. The size of the integrated inductor is 7 mm ×6.6 mm ×0.44 mm. Using Agilent E4294A RF Impedance/Material Analyzer, the function of the new solenoid micro-integrated inductor completed by MEMS technology was analyzed.
Evaluation of the trial result: the integrated inductor is connected with higher integrated inductor value and quality factor Q within the frequency limit of 1 MHz~20 MHz, and the trial result is in good agreement with the simulation result. The integrated inductor value is more than 16 times of the fasting integrated inductor with similar layout parameters. At the frequency of 10 MHz, the integrated inductor value of the micro integrated inductor is 1.17 μ h, and the Q value reaches 50.

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