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Five tips to reduce the heat effect of patch inductance-dry goods

Date:2021-08-23 Viewed:2099

Nowadays, electronic products are becoming more and more popular, and the components of SMD inductors are also widely used in all walks of life. So, does this generally have a comprehensive understanding of inductance? For example, what details should be paid attention to when using inductors? Secondly, how to reduce the heat influence caused by the chip inductance? Don't belittle these details. Generally speaking, even if it is used improperly, the rear position may cause the danger of inductance failure. Then the following is a detailed description of how to reduce the thermal influence caused by the chip inductance.
Tip 1: If the general adhesive and paste have the same function as the literal meaning and have excellent heat conduction ability, it can effectively improve the heat dissipation ability of electronic components in the circuit, which is often used on the surface of the inductor coil. Transfer heat to the radiator (the radiator is made of copper or aluminum). The radiator absorbs heat and radiates it out of the circuit to keep the circuit temperature normal. Secondly, the heat dissipation paste has certain functions of moisture-proof, dust-proof and corrosion-proof, which is an effective means to improve the heat dissipation capacity and stability of electronic components.
Tip 2: Every electronic component in every circuit has thermal resistance, and the general thermal resistance value of its inductor can reflect the heat transfer ability of medium or medium. Therefore, the thermal resistance of the chip inductor varies with the material, external area, application and installation position. Using thermal impedance electronic components with high thermal conductivity is an effective way to reduce the thermal conductivity of traditional induction coils.
Tip 3: The heat dissipation coating of the SMD inductor is directly applied to the surface of the inductor coil, which absorbs heat and accumulates and heats up, and at the same time, the heat absorbed radiates heat to the external space. It can also improve the cleanness, insulation, corrosion resistance, moisture resistance and other performances of the chip inductor, which is a new way to reduce the influence of the heat conduction of the inductor coil on the circuit.
Tip 4: As for the heat dissipation of SMD inductors, it is generally thought that fans can be used to dissipate heat. Yes, fans are widely used to drive heat so as to reduce the thermal impact of inductor coils. By changing the hot air around the inductor, the forced convection cold air is used instead of the hot air, and the heat of the circuit is continuously transferred to the surrounding air. Generally speaking, the cooling fan can effectively enhance the heat dissipation capacity by 30%, but its disadvantage is that it will produce vibration and noise, so it is considered to install some silent heat dissipation devices at the back.
Tip 5: Liquid cooling is more effective than fan cooling because the thermal conductivity and hot melt of the chip inductor are greater than that of gas. The cooling liquid directly and indirectly contacts the generating coil and other electronic components to generate heat, which brings the heat out of the circuit. The disadvantages are high cost, large volume and weight, and difficult maintenance.

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