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What is the meaning of "closed loop" of patch inductance

Date:2021-08-25 Viewed:4770

Patch inductance is an attribute of closed circuit. After the coil of the patch inductor passes current, the patch inductor forms magnetic field induction in the coil, and the induced magnetic field generates induced current to resist the current of the coil. The function of the chip inductor in the circuit is to generate a changing magnetic field when the unstable current passes, which affects the current instead. The chip inductor is connected in series like an inductor in the power supply circuit, and the inductor is DC, and the high frequency pulse is high resistance, so it plays the role of DC resistance AC pulse.
Resistors are used to control the current in the circuit, capacitors are used for direct current, inductors are used for high-frequency and low-frequency pass. On the other hand, capacitors and inductors are energy storage elements, so they also have filtering function in the circuit. Chip inductor has the characteristic of preventing alternating current from passing through the circuit and making direct current pass smoothly. The characteristics of inductor are DC and AC resistance. The higher the frequency, the greater the coil impedance. Inductors often work with capacitors in circuits.
Inductor coil has the characteristic of preventing the change of current in AC circuit. Inductive coil has similar characteristics to mechanical inertia, which is called "self-induction" in electricity. When the patch inductor is at low frequency, the inductor generally presents inductive characteristics, which can only store energy and filter high frequency characteristics, but at high frequency, its impedance characteristics show. There are phenomena such as energy consumption and fever, and reduced inductive effect. Different inductors have different high frequency characteristics.


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