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Interpretation of the Function and Characteristics of Patch Inductance

Date:2021-08-03 Viewed:2892

Patch inductor is an electromagnetic induction element wound with insulated wires. And belongs to common inductive elements.
Patch inductance
The function of the patch inductor is that it is a simple statement to communicate through the DC resistor, which isolates the AC signal, filters, capacitors, resistors, etc. to form a resonant circuit, and harmonizes the function of selecting the frequency inductor. The LC tuning circuit can be formed by connecting inductor and capacitor in parallel. Any current of the chip inductor in the circuit will produce a magnetic field, and the magnetic flux of the magnetic field will also play a role in the circuit.

When the current passing through the chip inductor changes, the DC voltage potential generated by the chip inductor will prevent the current from changing. When the current through the induction coil increases, the self-induced electromotive force generated by the induction coil is opposite to the current direction, thus preventing the current from increasing. At the same time, when the current of the inductor which converts a part of electric energy into a magnetic field and can be stored in the inductor decreases, the self-induced electromotive force is in the same direction as the current, which prevents the current from decreasing, releases the stored energy and reduces the compensation current. Therefore, after inductance filtering, not only the fluctuation of load current and voltage decreases, but also the waveform becomes smooth and the conduction angle of rectifier diode becomes larger.
(1) The color ring inductor has the function of blocking current: the copper core in the coil of the color ring inductor always resists the change of current in the coil. Color ring inductance blocks the AC current used in the circuit. The magnitude of obstruction function is called induction XL, and its unit is ohm. The relationship between it and inductance l and AC frequency f is XL=2πfL, and the color ring inductance can be divided into high-frequency choke coil and low-frequency choke coil.
(2) Color ring inductor has tuning and frequency selection functions: the parallel connection of color ring inductor and electrolytic capacitor can form a liquid crystal tuning circuit. The circuit inductance and capacitive reactance of the color ring inductor are equal in the resonance process, that is, the natural oscillation frequency f0 of the circuit is equal to the frequency F of the non-AC signal, and the circuit inductance and capacitive reactance are equal. The use of color ring inductance is generally not very high, and the color ring inductance used in circuits is generally stable.
(3) The biggest function of color ring inductor is to filter signal, noise, stabilize current and suppress electromagnetic interference. The basic function of color ring sensor is charging and discharging. However, due to many circuit phenomena which extend the basic charging and discharging function, color ring sensor has different uses. Nowadays, the color ring inductor has been used by customers, but the small inductor plays an important role.
Inductors have the characteristic of preventing alternating current from passing and allowing direct current to pass smoothly. The higher the frequency, the greater the coil impedance. Therefore, the main function of inductor is to isolate and filter AC signals or to form a resonant circuit with capacitors and resistors.
Chip inductance characteristics
The characteristics of inductor are just opposite to those of capacitor, and it has the characteristics of preventing alternating current from passing through and passing through direct current smoothly. The resistance of the DC signal passing through the coil is the self-induced electromotive force generated at both ends of the coil when the AC signal with small resistance drop of the wire passes through the coil. The direction of self-induced electromotive force is opposite to the direction of applied voltage, which hinders the passage of AC. Therefore, the characteristics of inductor are DC and blocking AC. The higher the frequency, the greater the blocking of coil. Inductors often work with capacitors in circuits to form LC filters, LC oscillators, etc. In addition, people also made choke coils, transformers, relays and so on by using the characteristics of inductors.
Direct current: It means that the inductor is in a channel-off state to direct current. If the resistance of the inductor coil is not taken into account, then direct current can pass through the inductor unimpeded. For direct current, the resistance of the coil itself has little hindrance to direct current, so it is often ignored in circuit analysis.
AC resistance: When AC power passes through the inductor, the inductor has a blocking effect on AC power, and it is the inductive reactance of the inductor that blocks AC power.

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