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Safety capacitor Agent Brand Series

Safety capacitors are specially designed capacitors that are mainly used for filtering in anti-interference circuits to suppress electromagnetic interference (EMI) and ensure personal safety. Safety capacitor will not cause electric shock after failure, so as not to endanger personal safety. Safety capacitors are divided into two types, type X and type Y. The X capacitor is usually connected to both ends of the input line to eliminate differential mode interference, while the Y capacitor is connected between the input line and the ground line to eliminate common mode interference. The two types of capacitors each have different voltage, capacity and certification requirements.

The main application scenarios of safety capacitors include power supply filters for filtering common mode and differential mode interference. In addition, safety capacitors are also widely used in a variety of equipment connected to the mains to minimize conducted EMI. When choosing a safety capacitor, you need to consider its safety standards and certification. For example, GJB151 stipulates that the capacity of the Y capacitor should not be greater than 0.1uF, and the requirements for ground leakage current are also different according to the working environment. Safety capacitor is a capacitor that meets safety standards and certification, mainly used for filtering in anti-interference circuits, which can effectively suppress electromagnetic interference and ensure the safety of users.
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