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Resistance is a very basic and important component in the field of electronics, which plays an indispensable role in various circuits. The following will be a detailed description of the introduction, function, specifications, selection and brand of the resistor.

Introduction to resistance

Resistance, as the name suggests, is the obstruction of current. In physics, resistance is a physical quantity used to indicate how much a conductor acts against a current. The greater the resistance of the conductor, the stronger it is against the current. Resistance is usually denoted by the letter "R" and is measured in ohms (Ω). The resistance of different conductors varies depending on their material, length, cross-sectional area, and other factors.

Action of resistance

The role of resistance in the circuit is extensive and diverse, mainly including the following aspects:

Shunt: In the circuit, when multiple electrical appliances with different rated currents need to be connected at the same time, they can be shunt through parallel resistors to ensure that electrical appliances with smaller rated currents are not burned.
Current limiting: By increasing the overall resistance value of the circuit, the current can be limited not to exceed the rated current of the electrical appliance or the specified value required for actual work, so as to ensure the normal operation of the electrical appliance.
Voltage division: In the circuit, the resistance can play a role in voltage division. By connecting with the electrical appliance in series, the resistor can share a part of the voltage to ensure that the voltage at both ends of the electrical appliance does not exceed its rated voltage.
Converting electrical energy into internal energy: When the current passes through the resistor, part of the electrical energy will be converted into internal energy, which is manifested as the heating effect of the resistor. This feature has been widely used in heating equipment such as electric stove and rice cooker.
Pull-up and pull-down: In microcontroller circuits or complex circuits, resistors are often used as pull-up or pull-down resistors to stabilize the circuit state and prevent misoperation.
Filter effect: The combination of resistor and capacitor can form RC filter, which is used to reduce and filter noise and restore real and useful signals.
Jumper role: During circuit design and debugging, resistors are sometimes used as jumper resistors to facilitate later circuit modification and troubleshooting.
Specification of resistance

The specifications of resistance mainly include resistance value, power and precision parameters. The resistance value reflects the degree to which the resistance obstructs the current and is usually expressed in ohms. Power represents the maximum power that the resistor can withstand, in watts. Accuracy describes the degree of deviation between the resistance value and the nominal value, and the common resistance accuracy is ±1%, ±5%, and so on. When selecting resistors, you need to determine the appropriate specifications according to the specific application scenarios and requirements.

Resistance selection

In the selection of resistance, in addition to considering the basic parameters such as resistance value, power and accuracy, it is also necessary to pay attention to the type of resistance, package form and brand. For example, chip resistors and plug-in resistors are two common types of resistors that each have advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different application scenarios. In addition, different brands of resistors may also differ in quality, performance, and price, so you need to choose according to actual demand.

Resistor brand

In the resistance market, there are many well-known resistance brands, such as WALTE, LZI, LZI, National Giant, Mercedes-Benz, "Isa", "Zai Zai", KOA, Jiwang Quan, Dayi and so on. These brands usually have a good reputation and a broad application base, and can provide high-quality, stable performance resistance products. In the choice of resistance brand, you can feel free to consult us, we shun Hai technology can help you provide resistance selection, warehousing a large number of resistance stock, resistance wholesale agent.
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