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Gas Discharge Tubes Agent Brand Series

A Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) is a sealed gas discharge device consisting of a metal electrode and a metallized ceramic tube housing filled with inert gases (mainly neon and argon) for overvoltage protection.

The electrical performance of a GDT depends on a number of factors, including the gas type, gas pressure, internal electrode structure and fabrication process. Its operating voltage can be adjusted, generally between 70 volts and several thousand volts. GDT has the characteristics of large flow, low junction capacitance, and high insulation, but the response time is slow, and usually needs to be used with TVS (X-ray protection diode) to improve the overall protection effect.

GDT is widely used in the first or second level protection of lightning protection engineering, often integrated with voltage limiting lightning protection devices, whether it is signal circuit or AC and DC power supply lightning protection, you can use GDT to put powerful lightning flow into the earth. In addition, GDT is also widely used in communication systems to protect lines from overvoltage events such as lightning strikes and electrostatic discharge.
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